“Fear is a natural response to a threat; anxiety is worrying about it.”
Example: It is stressful when actually speaking in public; anxiety is worrying about speaking before we do it.
Anxiety Management: with more choices we have less stress. As soon as stress arises, the mind can become preoccupied with how to get relief. One choice is to remove the cause of the stress. But most of the time it is difficult to remove the cause.
The other choice is to have a more complete experience of the stressor:
Recognizing the fear is the first step to understanding it.
Accepting this is my fear is the second step to understanding it.
Understanding of my fear happens by recognizing and accepting it.
Breaking Our Anxiety Loops
Introduction to Anxiety Relief Training
“This is our turning point.”
Mindfulness training allows us to respond wisely, rather than react habitually to our stressors.
Reacting is a quick brain process. Its purpose is safety from immediate danger. Over-reacting to perceived threats can also become a problem.
Responding is a slower brain process. We are intentionally choosing a different pathway in the brain. Responding allows the perceived threat to be evaluate and safely responded to.
Stress & Anxiety Relief Skills
These three life skills manage anxiety:
1. To be Grounded 2. Open Minded 3. Reflective
Anxiety is an emotion with an important role in our life. By choosing to safely feel our anxiety with mindfulness, we make friends with it. In time, we learn that it is our good friend, that only wants to protect us. This is the gradual practice of anxiety relief and understanding.
“To become free we have to face all of our fears” Ron Siegel,
Anxiety Relief: The Basics
M.B.S.R. Testimonials
Hello Ross,
Thank you very much for answering my questions. I’m relieved to know I will have continued access. Even though I’ve completed the training and mindfulness is a regular part of my daily practice, I still use some of the exercises as guides.
In terms of changes mindfulness practice has made, there are far too many to state. I’m 49 years old and have suffered from generalized anxiety disorder most of my life. I’m a mother of three. Married. A social worker.
I can honestly say that my anxiety has been significantly reduced over the past year as a result of mindfulness practice, primarily by anchoring me in the present moment and helping me observe rather than react to my anxiety and distress. It’s helped me deal with my fear of flying, and I’m taking my daughters on a plane at the end of April, which I never would have done before. It’s helping me surf the emotional waves of grief and worry as I prepare for my 18 year old to leave home. It helps me to be fully present to my clients, and to my own thought, feeling and body responses during sessions.
It’s facilitated effective communication with my spouse, family and colleagues as I listen and observe, giving myself time to process and respond appropriately. It’s expanded my awareness of pleasure. It’s reduced my sense of shame and judgment. It’s helped me to be aware that everything I am, and everything I do, is enough – just the way it is. And for a professional woman and mother who has spent a huge portion of her life feeling inadequate and overwhelmed and afraid, that has been life-changing. It’s a very well constructed online program – organized, easy to use, clear, gentle, supportive. The changes haven’t happened overnight.
Indeed, this is a lifelong journey, and it’s been wonderful. I would certainly recommend it.
Thank you very much for everything, S.
Hello Ross,
I thoroughly enjoyed your course, and was happy to attend an eight say silent retreat at the Insight Mediation Society.
What I did learn has and still continues to be tremendous in my everyday life. I find that I am using mindfulness throughout the day. I will notice when I am feeling anxious, and just make a mental note, which then helps to decrease the anxiety level. Since I have been a practitioner of gratitude and self compassion for many years, I found your exercises quite helpful in fine tuning my approach. I am thrilled to have gone through your eight week program which is really a program for life! Thank you for all that you do in making such a differences for so many.
With gratitude, J.
Ross – What seemed to be most helpful?
Hello Ross,
It is difficult to say which I found most helpful, they all offered something that is important. The body scan was helpful to listen to because it made it easier to go through each section of the body. I enjoyed the yoga videos and the guided meditation regularly. I also enjoyed the instruction. To say one is more helpful would seem to leave out another important element. What makes this a great program is all the parts working together to complete a whole experience and picture. I found that doing this course before going to IMS was wonderful because it felt to be a continuation on what I was experiencing through the course. In fact I felt that the experience at IMS was more profound because the past months before I had been doing these exercises daily.
Thank you again, J. Asheville, NC
Hi Ross,
I just wanted to let you know that I have completed the MSBR course. I had this week off so I engaged in a home “Mindfulness Retreat.” My mind and my body feel so fulfilled from this course. It has opened up so many aspects of my life that I discovered I have strength, courage, and compassion. It has also gently show me areas where I could use some practice, (body scan).
I am a much more positive, grateful and all around happy person as a result of this course. It was very engaging. I enjoyed the way there was a nice mix of audio, video and text. That way it was not too overwhelming.
There was no need for me to be sad because it ended though. I plan on revisiting the material as a part of my life. Once just isn’t enough.
Please email me the certificate of completion when you have a chance to do so. I will need to submit it to my principal.
Thank you again for this amazing course.
BC, Amherst, NH
Mindfulness Training Online
“Mindfulness for Life”
This Mindfulness Based Anxiety Relief (M.B.A.R.) online program was created by a fully certified M.B.S.R. trainer G. Ross Clark.
Mindfulness Training was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and has been well received in the business, educational and health care communities.
This professional online mindfulness training course features:
No Traveling Required
iPad and Smartphone compatible
Latest in E-learning software and practices
Self-paced & no previous experience is required
What Is Mindfulness?
Broadly defined mindfulness training is developing our mental faculties of attention, intentionand reflection. We bring a non-judgmental attention, to our daily life experiences. Then we choose a wiseintention, to match the experience. As we reflect on these experiences we learn from them. This deepens our understanding, resulting in more health & happiness and less stress.
Mindfulness Coach
Three mindfulness skills to manage Life.
Three skills that have formed my ability to deal with life changes are: 1. To be Grounded 2. Open Minded 3. Reflective
My Story
In losing my career, health and life savings, I have learned a lot. The three practices of grounding, opening and reflecting have safely carried my through to the other side. On this website, I share the why and how of what I have learned form this remarkable journey.
What is a Mindfulness Coach?
A mindfulness coach has two certifications.
Certified Life Coach
Certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction trainer
The mindfulness coach provides the required mindfulness skill to deal with the issue being experience by the client.
The role of a mindfulness coach is to strengthen, guide and protect their clients.
The mindfulness coach recognizes the inner wisdom of each person.
Self coaching is the goal of mindfulness coaching.
Who is the Mindful Coach?
Ross, ‘The Mindfulness Coach’ is both a certified ‘Life Coach’ and a certified ‘Mindfulness Trainer’. He has been teaching mindfulness meditation for 19 years. Credentials …
Ross, lives in Ontario, Canada. Email- themindfulcoach@gmail.com, or Phone- 1-519-648-2985
Guest Speaking, Lunch & Learns
Training Seminars, Workshops & Staff Retreats
Ongoing Training, Education & Support & Group Coaching
Training and coaching in a variety of: University, Health Care and Business settings.
Anxiety Management Training Online
“In the comfort of your own home.“
How does Mindfulness Training online work?
Start it at any time
M.B.A.R. is experiential.
The training is self-paced.
There are 4 one hour lessons.
Each lesson contains 12 lesson topics.
Each lesson includes audio, video & text topics.
Each lesson will have questions for personal reflection.
Each lesson will require daily formal and informal practices.
You can receive a certificate of participation upon successfully completing the course.
The course is self-paced, at your convenience and in the comfort of your home.
Full course support will be available by:
Phone: 1-519-648-2985
Email: themindfulcoach@gmail.com
“More mindfulness, more choices”-G Ross Clark, C.C.P.,