Remembering Our Inner Loveliness

“Retell it in words and in touch, it is lovely”

My Loveliness

The bud

stands for all things,

even for those things that don’t flower,

for everything flowers, from within, of self-blessing;  

though sometimes it is necessary

to reteach a thing its loveliness,

to put a hand on its brow

of the flower

and retell it in words and in touch

it is lovely

until it flowers again from within, of self-blessing

Source – Re-learning Our Loveliness by Galway Kinnell

The Bud Commentary

Sometimes It Is Necessary to Reteach A Thing Its Loveliness.

We are born into this world knowing that we are beautiful. We are born lovely, full of sparkle ready to conquer the world. Then the world teaches us fear.

The Bud Stands for all things, even for those things that don’t flower.

We are very quick to let society shame us when we do not bloom fast enough or in a way that society deems is appropriate. Yet, the bud stands for all things, even for those things that don’t flower.

It follows its inherent loveliness and knows that it will peek through and bloom in just the perfect time.

For everything flowers from within, of self blessing.

We flower in our own time, in our own way, from our own seed and of self-blessing.

True flowering comes from within.

This means taking the time to be with yourself and befriending all of the reasons you might not want to be. It requires inner-kindness.

* It requires nurturing and treating yourself as kind as you do others.

* It requires re-teaching yourself loveliness when the world makes you feel unlovely.

* It requires you taking time with yourself the same way you take time with your friends or children.

Self-Pruning and Letting Go

Life is an ebb and flow and requires us pruning ourselves the same way we prune a plant. Even a healthy plant, one that is still growing and full of life, has dead limbs and leaves that we need to pick off and shed so that new growth can come in.

It is the same with our lives.

We must constantly prune and let go of that which no longer serves us so that we may flower again in the places that have died.

The pruning is our self-blessing— the letting go, the tending to the old leaves, and the hope that comes from waiting for a new bloom to appear.

When we are grounded and open the world has no choice but to smile back.

We are always in a stage of growth, whether a seed, a bud or a full bloom, is still the same flower.

We reclaim our inherent love, prune out the fear that the world has taught us and to reteach a thing its loveliness.

Source – http://www.iamheatherregan.com/vlogs/sometimes-it-is-necessary-to-reteach-a-thing-its-loveliness/

Adapted by G Ross Clark