Action Plan
Yes I can, do this

“Yes, I can”

The Action Plan is something ‘You Want’ to do.

It is achievable this week.

The action plan is action-specific.

Losing weight is not an action plan, but replacing snacks with fruit is.

Losing weight is the result of the specific actions of the plan.

Parts of an Action Plan

  1. Something YOU want or decide to do
  2. Achievable (something you can expect to be able to do this week)
  3. Action-specific (replacing snacks with fruit between meals is an action plan; losing weight is the RESULT of the actions)
  4. Answer the questions:

What? (specific action)

How much? (time, distance, amount)

When? (time of day or which days of the week)

How often? (number of days in the week) avoid “every day”

What is your confidence level?  (7 or more on a scale of, 0=not at all sure to 10=totally sure)