‘Phrases of Intention guide the mind’1-VsgH3RurXufQf-luSn-_kw

Anxiety relief tips provide a helpful response to anxiety.

Thought substitution works well and requires practice.

These practices are called, ‘Phrases of Intention’

Anxiety Relief Tips

Gentleness: ‘May I be gentle with myself’

‘May I gently breath into my belly’

Patience: ‘May I be patience with myself’

‘May I be patience with the process’

Letting Go: ‘May I let go’

‘May I let it all go’

Accepting: ‘May I accept myself’

‘May I accept things as they are this moment’

Gratitude: ‘May I respect myself’

‘May I appreciate myself’

Non-Expectation ‘May I not expect too much of myself’

“May I not expect too much of the practice’

Beginners Mind: ‘May I be interested’

‘May my mind be open’

Generosity ‘May I be generous to myself’

‘May I make time to practice’

Non-Judging: ‘May I not judge myself’

‘May I not judge others’

Forgiveness: ‘May I forgive myself’

‘May I forgive others’

Trust: ‘May I trust Life’

‘May I trust myself’

Love: ‘May I Love myself’

‘Even thou I have anxiety, I still Love and accept myself’